Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First Snow!

Although we've had a few flurries around here, I'm calling today the first real snow in our little town.  We all woke up with a little extra energy & excitement.  It's really not even that much snow and it's supposed to turn to the dreaded 'wintery mix' before too long.  So we're off playing right away.  

I've mentioned in previous blogs that I think the first few days of a new season are pretty important. What you do with them can set the tone for the rest of the season. So even if we can't build the epic snow men & snow forts that Rowan has been longing for, we can still have lots of fun in the dusting of snow, making 'animal tracks', mini snowmen, and even having a small scale snowball fight. Little hands don't need very much snow to make a good snowball.

Wishing you many 
safe and playful snow days,